Thursday, November 19, 2009

Vuvox Random Collage

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Using Social Media For Stories

I made numerous attempts to gain information using my Facebook status to get responses for one of my stories and this was the best I could come up with.

Mark Shore Alright guys, help me out for my journalism class. Is anyone looking forward to the tram from USC to LA Live?

16 hours ago · ·
Kenny Legan
Kenny Legan
haha im doin a similiar story
16 hours ago · Delete

Definitely not an ideal response as I would have liked to get better feedback, but at least there was some feedback for this.

Following Social Media

For the past week I followed the New York Times, CNN and LA Observed on Twitter and Facebook. With the news sites I was genuinely surprised at how many stories they put up on Twitter. I assumed that it would just be the breaking stories but the New York Times and CNN put up links to pretty much every headline story they had. This made it a bit confusing as I didn't know which were the bigger stories, but I guess it was useful to go through and see all the headlines. On Facebook however, they pretty much just posted up a few of the bigger videos from random stories, so that wasn't really a good way to stay on top of the news. Twitter was definitely the better option as far as that was concerned. For LA Observed, I was extremely impressed with their Twitter feed as it actually had more valuable information than I was expecting. Overall I'd say they all did a nice job on Twitter, but for the New York Times and CNN I would rather have the bigger breaking news headlines as opposed to practically every story on their site being posted up.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Social Media

Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, oh my. Where to start?

Facebook is an excellent networking tool, but I personally feel it should only be used in the private realm. Professionally this is not the place to look, who are we kidding? What can you really find out about someone just by looking at some pictures from their time out partying with their friends in college? It's great for connecting with people, especially ones you already know, but it should definitely be taken away as a role of Big Brother. Here's the link to my Facebook page.

Twitter is interesting in that it can be really useful, but most often it's just really pointless. It's a great way to keep in touch with the world and find out what's happening right away, but there's no need to know every detail of people's lives. For news sites and important people to let everyone know what's happening is great however. The jury's still out on Twitter, but I suppose I'll give it a try. Check me out here.

LinkedIn can be useful in the professional realm; however, I feel that not enough people use it or use it enough to make it effective. It's a great way to connect with people for business or to try and get internships or jobs, but once again not enough people really know how to use it wisely. If LinkedIn became more popular, which I hope it does, I think it would go a long way with helping people professionally. Connect with me on LinkedIn here.

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